It's okay

Advay's pov~

 As I arrived at the office, my mind was still consumed by the morning's events. My wife had a tendency to overthink, and it was my responsibility to ease her doubts and intrusive thoughts. Choosing to give this marriage a chance was the best decision I'd ever made. Being with Adrisha brought me immense joy.

Before long, a familiar figure burst into my office, instantly drawing my attention away from the files I was reviewing. It was Vikrant, accompanied by a young man dressed sharply in formal attire. As I regarded him with curiosity, he offered a polite greeting, signalling the start of our unexpected encounter.

Before I could inquire about the newcomer, Vikrant preempted my question. "Yeh mera aadmi hai.” He said. Sensing an opportunity for a playful jab, I couldn't resist teasing him. “Tune kabhi bataya nahi tu Gay hai," I quipped, relishing his startled reaction. The young man beside him stifled a laugh, disguising it with a cough.

(that's my man) (you never told me you are gay) 

Vikrant glared at him and told him to wait outside, the man left within a second. After that, he glared at me while I smirked which gave fuel to the fire. He pointed a finger towards me, but my one glare was enough to make him shut. “He is my new p.a” he exclaimed to which I replied “what happened to the previous one?”. To that he sighed and put his head back on the chair and said. “same thing everytime, that little girl got some major daddy issues.” I laughed hard because this has been happening for a month, this was the third time his p.a is exchanged for the fourth time in a month. 

“That's why I never got any female p.a.” I told him with a slight smile while he just nodded and was looking at me keenly. I raised my eyebrows and asked him what happened. He just smiled and shook his head “you are looking genuinely Happy after a long time.” as he completed his words my smile dropped and I pulled that stoic expression again. 

“Nothing happened” I retorted back but he just looked at me and said “you can't hide from me Ad and I'm sure there is something related to your biwi. Right?” I smiled back hearing that but is it that obvious on my face that he guessed it right. But we have been friends since ages so clearly we can't deny that we can guess each other's feelings by the expression. 

“True, it's because of her only. Don't know why and how vik but she is the reason for my happiness. She's the reason I'm being the person I used to be.” I completed my words with a soft sigh. He was listening to me very calmly. No matter what the situation is, we both got each other's back from the beginning. We know each other's traumas, past and everything. But the only thing that he hid from me is that he loves Anika. He thinks that I don't know and as I'm good at pretending so why not play along. I'll wait until he tells me by himself. 

“Do you love her ?” Saying that I wasn't startled by his sudden question would be a lie.Because I knew it's coming my way. “Maybe I do” and it's true, loving someone in some days is difficult and I really don't believe in that love at first sight thing. So maybe I'll love her but for now I wasn't sure about that. 

Vikrant looked at me with a weird face while I just rolled my eyes. “What kind of answer is this? Maybe I do…” he said, imitating me. “Addy he's your wife, and she also deserves happiness and love.” He said without a sense of nonsense. 

“I know Vik, and I'm ready to give her all the happiness in the world. And I'll love her the way she deserves to be loved. But right now I'm not sure if she feels the same for me. I can't just go and tell her about my feelings. Maybe she isn't ready for it yet.” He looked at me with a confused or we can say disgusted face. He gave me a tight lipped smile and said slowly “gurudev Charan kahan hai aapke, aap ke toh per dho kar peene chahiye. Shakal dekh ke bata dete hai insaan kya soch raha hai.” He finished his little yet boring act. 

(Where is your Charan guru dev? We should wash your feet and then drink. Doubt can tell what a person is thinking just by looking at it.)

“Addy, are you mad? You love her, I know. She also does” 

“How do you know?” I asked him back while he just face palmed on that. “actually I shouldn't have wasted both of our time on pointless convo. Because you won't understand anything. I'm going now. Take care.” He stood up from his seat and walked to the door. But suddenly turned around and said “Realise it as soon as possible. before it's too late” after that he went out and I went into the thinking. 

“Does she really love me?” but isn't it too early for that. Like how can she love a person who left her on the day they got married." The intrusive thoughts clouded my mind. But later as I engrossed myself in work it wasn't that obvious but at the back of my mind it was running in my mind. 

I looked at my watch and realised it was 5 pm already. The whole day went well or maybe she is the reason that my work days are getting better. “Meri zindagi sudhar Rahi hai uske aane se.” I smiled at my own subconscious voice. As I was done with my today's work I decided to go home early Or basically to my wife, who made me feel home everytime I'm around her. 

(My life is getting better because of her arrival.”

Adrisha's pov~

I was tossing and turning on the bed, these cramps are just ugh!! I groaned at the sudden cramp in my lower abdomen. My periods always make me moody or gloomy. Either I be so emotional or rude as fuck. I remembered the afternoon incident, when Anika was asking me why I'm being too silent then I shouted at her. Like she was just asking me and I shouted at her. Cherry on the top I started crying then and there. While that poor soul started panicking about what she did. Then I told her that I'm on periods. 

She bought me some chocolates and snacks while I was crying. I don't know why. Right now I'm lying like a dead person. I did nothing the whole day so I decided to go downstairs and make something to eat. It was almost 5 in the evening and everyone must be in the hall. As I was walking to the kitchen I saw everyone on the dining table having tea. I smiled at them even though I was not in the mood to smile but I can't be rude to everyone because of my own mood. 

I went into the kitchen and made a quick hot chocolate for myself. Me, maa and chachi were sitting there and dadu and dadi went for their evening walk and Priya bhabi and Rohan also joined them.  Because the doctor told her to walk at least once a day and she's too lazy to wake up early in the morning. 

We were talking randomly when I heard a familiar voice. He's home, he said I was confused as to why he came so early today. I didn't get up as I usually do to greet him whenever he comes back from the office. I heard the same footsteps approaching towards me. 

He came and sat beside me “Hii biwi,” he said with a sly smile. I just replied with a dry hello, ok so we're being rude here my conscious self screams internally. He scrunched his eyebrows. I just sat straight looking at my hot chocolate without giving him a glance. 

Maa and chachi were gone already when he came. He took my hand in his and asked softly 

“What happened jaan,” I still didn't look up and said “Kuchh nahi, mujhe kya hona hai.” Fuck that's rude. He said nothing, but was just staring at me. 

(nothing, what will happen to me)

I finished my hot chocolate, and gave him a glass of water. He took it and I walked back to my room. I heard his footsteps following me and he called me twice but I didn't turn and chose to walk ahead. “Biwi, kya hua hai?” he asked me but still I was walking straight to my room. We reached the door of our room. I entered first followed by him and was about to go to the washroom. 

He gripped my elbow and turned me around. I gripped his shoulder because of the jerk. He caressed my cheek gently and the other hand was on my waist. The familiar Goosebumps erupted on my skin, his breaths fanning over my face was adding more wetness to my core. 

I was looking down all the time “ Yaar, Biwi bataiye toh Maine Kiya kya hai” he asked me with a little whine. 

(Biwi, tell me what I have done?)

I still didn't look up, his words made me think that why I was even ignoring him. This man did nothing to me and I was ignoring him while he was still treating me gently. My eyes got filled with tears. Don't know if it was my hormones or it's truly overwhelming. But all I could do at that time was to shed tears. I still didn't look up at him. 

Author's pov~

Advay put his finger under her chin and made her look at him. He panicked when he saw her tear filled eyes. He dragged her to the sofa and made her sit on his lap. She stuffed her face in his neck while sobbing softly. He was caressing her hair and whispering sweet things in her ear. 

She calmed down a bit, he made her look at him. “jaan, tell me what happened ? Who made the mistake of making my queen cry ?” He sounded a bit serious but Adrisha didn't say anything; she was just looking down, probably feeling shy to tell him. She looked up and was fidgeting with his shirt buttons. Advay sensed her hesitation, because Adrisha is the one who never hesitates to say anything. She's always bold and sassy. So seeing her like this made him have a doubt. 

“Are you on your periods ?” She looked up at his eyes in a way that the answer was yes. He smiled and caressed her cheek. “So why were you not telling me ?” he asked me and she said nothing. “Are you uncomfortable with me?” He asked again to which she shook her head reluctantly. 

“Then why didn't you tell me ?”

“Because I thought this seems childish. To tell you about every small thing that happens to me.” She replied softly.

“Biwi, listen to me this was the first and the last time;You did this. I'm your husband and telling me about every little thing that happens to you is your right. And anything related to you is not childish for me. I'm all ears to you always. Even if you call me to  tell me about what you have in your lunch or how was your day then I'll dismiss my meetings to listen to your random talks. Because if I'll not do that then who will ?” He said all those things with determination. While she was just looking at him smiling like a dumb.

“Ye mere pati ko kya ho Gaya bhagwan ?” She did a melodramatic gasp while he looked at her with a ‘are you serious’ face. 

(Oh god, what happened to my husband ?)

“But seriously what happened to the devil Advay Singhania ? As far as I remember Itna romantic pati toh nahi tha mera.” she said while moving her hands on his cheeks.

“Very funny” he said while she felt something wet down there. She got up from his lap immediately and a big gasp was heard looking on his lap. Advay followed her gaze and looked at the blood stain on his formal slack. 

He looked at her face and saw tears running down her face. Before he could say anything she ran towards the bathroom and closed the door with a thud. Advay banged the door saying “biwi, open the door.” He was knocking on the door continuously but she didn't open the door. After five minutes of him convincing her, she opened the door and came out. 

Advay hugged her gently and caressed her hair while whispering sugar words in her ears. “I'm sorry” she breathed out and he replied with “it's okay meri jaan. There's nothing to be sorry for. It's totally normal” After a long five minutes they pulled apart. 

Adrisha went to take a shower while he went to another room to freshen up. After that Advay went into the kitchen and prepared hot chocolate for her. He went back to the room and saw her sitting on the bed. 

He gave her the hot chocolate and asked “what do you want to do now?” She looked confused and said “we'll do whatever you'll say- watch a movie, do anything” . He cleared himself again. She made an ohh face. She took a minute to think and said “I want peanut butter and jelly” 

He looked at her with a confused face “but biwi peanut butter and jelly is a weird combo. Isn't it.?” She face palmed and gave him a look. “I'm not talking about real peanut butter and jelly. I'm talking about jax and juniper. I want to meet them. Can we go?” he denied immediately “no, biwi we aren't going anywhere just stay here and take rest.” 

Adrisha flickered her nose and said “pehle kehte hi kyu ho” saying that she laid on the bed and covered herself with a blanket Ignoring her husband's voice. Advay sighed out on being ignored by his own wife and went out of the room to call someone. 


Hey everyone!! Kaise ho sab? First of all, I'm genuinely sorry for disappearing for a month. I was going through alot in this last month. My health, studies, people around me, everything and everyone was messed up. So I was not able to update. But now I'll update soon even though I'm not sure about it. But still I'll try. 

Please Vote and comment on this chapter. I'll really appreciate it. And Thank you so much for bearing with me. I love you all. 

Your author <3

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