Peanut butter and jelly

Advay’s pov~

I shrugged off my dirty thoughts. We were still that close. It was damn hard to control myself at that time. The allure of her scent and the temptation of her crimson lips tested the blinds of my self control, prompting a silent struggle for dominance between passion and prudence. I leaned forward, grabbed her face gently and my lips touched her right cheek. 

Just beside her lips. She sucked on her breath. We were so close that I could feel her breathing getting heavier and the rhythm of her heartbeat was making me insane. 

She moved her hands on my chest and clutched my kurta tightly. I moved my face a little and licked the corner of her lips. Her hold on my clothes got tighter. I moved a little back but still close enough to feel her heavy breaths on my face. 

“What happened to my bold Biwi ?” I asked her while she hid her face in my chest. I chuckled a little and hugged her back. We stayed like that for a minute or two. But then the loud sound of a horn was heard. 

We realised that we are actually in the middle of the road, doing our little romance. We moved away from each other. I started driving again.

During the whole ride she was just looking outside the window, while I was stealing glances at her. The other family members were not on our site. Of Course they would've gone by now. 

I thought something and turned the car to the opposite side. She noticed and looked at me with raised brows. I was just looking ahead to the road. 

“where are we going, addu?” she asked, God I just love that name in her melodious voice. I was annoyed by Rishi, but I can never be annoyed by her. Even if she says to be in her service for 24/7 hours. I will happily do that.

I looked at her and said “Just wait and watch, Biwi.” “But everyone might be waiting for us.” she said while I sighed.

It's just a matter of hours, Biwi. Let me have some quality time with my wife, Mrs. Adrisha Advay Singhania," I declared, seeking her approval with a hopeful glance. Her smile was all the permission I needed, a silent affirmation of our shared desire for solitude.

After 20 minutes we reached the place. I got down from the car and went to her side. I opened the door and held her hand in mine. 

She was looking at the place very keenly. I was just observing her reaction. She looked back at me and finally asked “Where are we ?” 

“We are at our place.” I said, her eyes sparkled in anticipation. “Our place!! What do you mean ?” I walked up to her and held her hands in mine. Staring at her deep brown eyes.

“This is our penthouse.” she creased her eyes and asked “ours? Means your! Right?”. I sighed and said “Everything that belongs to me is yours also, Biwi. So this is our penthouse. I used to come here before my wedding. This is my secret place. Only Vikrant knows about this.” I said walking her to the main door. 

“Means no one in the family knows about this.” “No, only I and Vikrant came here. When we have taken a pause in our daily workaholic life.” 

I answered her question. 

“So, why don't you come after our marriage?” God her curiosity about everything. We entered inside and her eyes flickered towards the surrounding. She walked to the piano kept in the right side of the hall. 

I went to her and wrapped my arms around her. She kept her hands on mine which were resting on her midriff. “because now I usually want to spend my time with you.” I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and smiled. 

Suddenly we heard the sound of barking. I smiled and held her hand “let's go and introduce you to someone special.” 

Adrisha’s pov~ 

He held my hand and gently dragged me to the garden. Beautiful, was not enough to describe that place. The soothing smell of the trees. The chirping of the birds. The rock path which was leading to the beautiful garden. There were so many types of flowers. White and red Rose, tulips, many types of orchids and many other types of flowers. I didn't know their names. 

We reached the big garden, where I saw a not so big wooden house. Where a man looked like a caretaker was standing. He went and opened the door of the wooden house. Suddenly two giant dogs rushed towards us and jumped on him. 

I backed away from him seeing him having time with the lovely creatures. I smiled seeing their reunion. It was clear that they had missed him alot in his absence. 

He looked at me and motioned for me to come closer. I approached them, and we all sat down on the grass. However, the dogs didn't want to leave his side and started barking when I sat beside him. He seemed to think I might be scared, but I ran my hands over their heads, and they wagged their tails happily. They came to me and rested their heads on my lap, and I gently petted them.  

“It seems like you are not scared of dogs,” he said, sounding more like he was asking. Why does this man think I'm scared of everything that exists on this planet? 

“Why do you think I'm scared of dogs ?” I asked back with scrunched eyes. “No, I thought you would be,” he exclaimed. “Jab main tumse nahi darti, toh inn becharo se kyu darungi.''I said in a low voice. “I can hear you Biwi.” 

(When I'm not afraid of you. So why would I be afraid of these poor selves?) 

“Good for you” I said and gave him a tight lip smile. He repeated my actions and gave me the same smile. I burst into laughter, he was looking so funny. He laughed a little along with me.  

“What are their names ?” I asked and he motioned his hand and said pointing towards the big one. “He’s a male doberman pinscher, his name is jax.” He pointed towards the second one and said “she’s a female doberman pinscher, her name is juniper.”

“Okay, but what's with those names? they sound so weird.” I said and both of them stood up straight and looked at me. 

“They are very possessive over me Biwi” I raised my brows and looked at them. They can't hear anything against their owner. That's the specialty of their breed: loyal, intelligent and protective nature. 

“So what if you are their father? I'm also their mother. I don't like that name. I'll give them a new name.” I Exclaimed trying to be dominating one. “You can call them whatever you want,” he said to me. 

I put my finger on my chin and tried to think of a good name. After two three minutes, I finally decided on a good name for both of them. They three were waiting in anticipation. 

“So I decided that I will call them—- I paused a little and saw them staring at me. I continued—peanut butter and jelly.” I completed my sentences and heard him laughing like maniacs. 

I glared at him who was lying by now on the grass. After some minutes he stopped laughing and said “seriously Biwi, peanut butter and jelly. Like jax and juniper are far better than this.” 

I glared at him and he shut down his mouth looking at my expression. I moved towards two other beings there, who were looking at us. 

“So you both liked the name or not. Peanut butter and jelly.” they barked together and wiggled their tails. Means they liked the names. 

“See, they also liked the name.” I told him sticking my tongue out. He chucked a little. Both peanut butter and jelly started roaming around me and licked my hands and face a little. I totally loved these two beings. We fed them the food and played with them. 

After some time, we went back inside. He told the caretaker to prepare some snacks for us. But I refused because we had lunch just before coming here. We were sitting in the hall. Btw he already gave me a tour of the penthouse. 

He was doing some work on his phone, while I was just sitting nearby him. I was staring at the brown piano that was kept on the side.

“Do you want to play piano?” He asked me. I just shook my head and denied “I don't know how to.” “Come, I'll play for you.”saying that we walked to the piano. 

He settled on the seat while I stood nearby him. His hands played with the keys and the soothing rhythms were the only sound echoed in the surrounding. 

He is really good at this. But he is good at everything he does. After all he is  ADVAY SINGHANIA. He stopped for a few minutes and started to play again. This time he looked at me and I realised what tunes he's playing.  

I started singing the song along with him playing the piano. The song was “tujhe kitna chahne lage hum.” He smiled when I started singing. 

Baat dil ki 

Nazron ne ki 

Sach keh Raha Teri Kasam 

Tere bin ab na lenge 

Ik bhi dum 

Tujhe kitna chahne Lage hum~ 

As I sang the lyrics, he looked at me. By the time we were just staring at each other. I stopped singing so he stopped playing the piano. 

Just both of us, lost in our own world. Finding solace in each other's existence. Both of us tried to find the emotions in each other's eyes for which we were craving for. But none of us said anything.

I blinked my eyes and the moment ended there. After that none of us said anything further and decided to go back home. We bid goodbye to jax and juniper means our peanut butter and jelly. They were not ready to let us go. Even I didn't want to leave them. But sadly we had to. 

The whole ride till the house was silent. He played the song in the car. The same from the same we did, just minutes ago. I smiled hearing that little confession. I thought it was a confession. But I didn't want to have high hopes. 

It was half past six when we reached home. Everyone was in their room, probably resting. Even though it was a small trip. But it was really tiring for all of us. Especially for dadu-dadi and Priya bhabi. I remember how she had mood swings this morning and told us that she didn't want to go. But somehow we convinced her. 

Reaching home we went straight to our room. We freshen up. He was doing some on his laptop. While I laid down on bed and checked the mails and after that I was just scrolling Instagram. Suddenly a reel came to my view, it was about something like a rainbow kiss. When I checked the comments, there were so many like eww, chhiii, yakk etc. 

My curious self didn't help either and I got my ass down from bed and went towards his couch. Sitting beside him, I saw how indulge he was in his work. Still decided to disturb him. Such a troublemaker you are, my inner self mocked. 

“what is it, Biwi?” I heard him, who was still all focused on his work and didn't look up at me. 

“Addu, what is a rainbow kiss?” I asked, his fingers which were on the keys of the laptop stopped and he finally looked at me. With scrunched brows, he gazed at me. “Why do you want to know ?” I didn't answer and showed him the video. 

His sight went back to his laptop and said “I will tell you when you get your next periods.” silence filled the air, I was confused not understanding his words. What does he mean by next period? I shrugged off my thoughts and went downstairs to prepare dinner. 

I went towards the dining table and saw everyone except bhabi and Rohan. Bhai said they both slept already after having food. The dinner was ready as maa told the staff to make it.

We all sat together and then he came, always late. Anika was sitting beside me, she was scrolling through reels and the same rainbow kiss video came. She made a weird face, so I thought to ask her. 

“What does this rainbow kiss mean, Anika?” everyone was engrossed in their conversation 

So nobody heard our talks. She replied with “you don't know bhabi?” and I shook my head. 

She didn't say anything further and searched it on Google. She gave me her phone, while I read the whole thing thoroughly. 

Embarrassment rushed through my veins. What the fck is this? I just asked him this. My eyes widened and embarrassment was the only word that could describe my situation. I wanted to remove that moment from today, when I asked him this. Like seriously I did it. 

I was crying internally and just wanted mother earth to swallow me. But a kind of relief was that he didn't say anything to me. But at the same time I remembered his words. Will he do this rainbow kiss on my next perio—-hawww no no. We can't do this.  It's disgusting. 

I gave Anika’s phone back to her. The whole time I could feel his gaze and obviously I avoided him. After the dinner, everyone went back to their rooms. So did he. But I was doing some work in the kitchen. 

Just when I went in the room I was—

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