
Advay chachu aa gaye "Rohan yelled happily and ran towards him. Because he is his favourite person in the whole family. He loves Advay alot and he also loves him the most. The only person who can make the devil Advay Singhania smile is rohan. He is the closest person to him in the family.

Rohan ran towards him while he took him in his arms, smiling lovingly. While everyone was looking at him being happy that finally he came back from the business trip except the one Adrisha. She was looking tense and nervous. Why? Because this is the first time she is seeing her husband.


Adrisha's pov~

I looked at the entrance where Rohan ran towards. Only to see the man whom I'm married to. Tall height, wrapped in a black tuxedo, I think he's obsessed with black colour because that's what I've observed from the last one month his I mean now mine too. Our “It is not your adrisha” my subconscious self said to me. Actually it's not our. Ok his room is also pitched black and his closet is also full with black clothes. His muscles were tensed ready to pop out of his Black shirts. While his well built chest is visible because of his two upper opened shirt buttons. I was gawking at his Greek God feature but when I looked up at his face a fine jawline covered with light beard. When I looked up my eyes got locked with his hazel one. I started to have heart palpitations. My stomach started to have a ticklish feeling. He is staring deep into my soul. His intense gaze is making me have different feelings which I never had. I diverted my gaze to another side but my mind said “this man will definitely have a dominant aura which will be difficult to adjust with for me.”

He came towards the family with Rohan in his arms. He left him on the ground. And went to dadu and dadi. He took their blessings and hugged them and wished them with a stern face. What a jerk, can't he smile just once. “stop talking about him like that he's your husband” my mind said. I shook my head to get rid of this subconscious talking of myself.

After that he met everyone in the family. Everyone scolded him for not coming home for one month. But it feels like it went to deaf ears. He said nothing to anyone, just nodded his head to everyone. He went to bhai and Bhabi. He hugged them both and also congratulated them. They thanked him, smiling adorably looking at each other. They both love each other a lot. Every couple in this family is an ideal couple. Except me and the not so sweet husband of mine.

After meeting Rishi and Anika he came and stood beside me with a safe distance. I don't know what should I say I'm feeling so awkward but he is my husband whom I'm meeting after a whole month of my marriage what should I suppose to say. After getting a lot of courage I thought of greeting him. So, when I looked up at him I saw him staring at me already and all my courage got vanished. Why he always stare at me like I'm his prey.

I'm about to say a hi but I got cutted of by someone's loud voice.

“Bhai tu mujhe gaadi mein hi bhul gya”

(Bro you forgot me in the car)

A young man the same age came with a sulking face and marched towards him. While he's just looking at him with an “I don't care” look.

“you were sleeping so that's why I didn't bother to wake you up” he said in his deep manly voice which shook me to my core. How many flexes does this man have?

“But still you should have woken me up. I didn't come all the way from France to here just to sleep.” the man said in a pissed tone. “but it looks totally opposite,” advay said in his usual tone. The man looked really pissed. But he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He looked at me and smiled “you must be this devil's wife. Right?” he asked me while I nodded yes. I know people call him the devil. It's like his second name.

He forwarded his hand which I gladly accepted. “Myself Vikrant oberoi. Your devil husband's one and only best friend.” I smiled and said “Myself Adrisha.” Vikrant was about to say something but our conversation got interrupted by his dominant voice.

“Don't you know, we should introduce our full name to everyone” he said looking at me with his intense gaze.

I looked at Vikrant who's looking at me with a pitiful look. I rolled my eyes and said “Myself Adrisha Singhania.” vikrant nodded his head with a tight lip smile.

“Adrisha Advay Singhania. This is your full name. Next time use it and never ever again roll your eyes until I make you do it.” he said the last part slowly which would be audible to me only. My eyes widened at his statement. How can he say something like that? Thankfully nobody was there around us.

I was in my shock when Anika came to us. “bhai bhabi I can understand you guys are meeting after a month that too first time. But can you guys just delay your talk a little more. We have to cut the cake. So can we do that first.” she said looking at us. We both shared a look and nodded at her. But the thing which got my attention was that vikrant and Anika were blushing looking at each other. Then it hit me that vikrant is the guy whom about Anika talk every time. He is her crush since childhood. But she never had the courage to tell him. She have the fear of rejection and also the main thing is he is her brother's best friend. I know how much everyone is scared of him. Why? He is a devil that's all I know nothing other than this.

We went towards the family while dadu dadi cut the cake. The party was going on smoothly but the thing which was bothering me was the group of girls looking at him shamelessly. It was clear that they were eye fucking him. But why is it even bothering me? “Because you like him.” “I think I do” “you think I'm sure you definitely like him.” “Really” I happily looked beside me only to see Vikrant hiding his smile.

“Sorry, I didn't know you were here” I apologized.

“It's ok. But you like him don't you?” he asked me.

While I moved my face to somewhere else to hide my blushing face. But why am I even blushing by just talking about him? "Because you like him," my mind said. Well I knew already that I fell for this man the first time I saw him on our wedding day.

“Answer me now, you like him don't you” my thoughts got interrupted by Vikrant's question. “I don't know, '' I said. “I know you do, you'll know about it eventually.” he said while I just remained silent because I don't know what to say about this. I know I like him but I can't say that to his best friend whom I know from just an hour or two. But I think Vikrant is a good person of course he will be afterall he is The Advay Singhania's best friend.

“BTW what do you do?” I asked him.

“I run a company just like your husband.” he said politely to which I nodded and I had a strange feeling when he said my husband. He is my husband, only mine. I blushed at my thoughts.

But then we heard the deep voice which added more butterflies to my stomach.

“What's going on here?” he asked.

“Nothing, I was just talking to your beautiful wife,” Vikrant said teasingly but his eyes got darker upon hearing that. He was about to say something but Rishi came in between.

“Bhai bhabi come on let's dance. It's a couple songs. You guys have to dance.” he said enthusiastically.

“You Know that I don't dance. Right?” he denied and the poor boy got pissed at once.

“Why am I even asking you? Forget it” he went away saying that. But he should've asked me. Only I know how much I love to dance. But just because of this man I also can't dance. Bu

t I smiled when he asked me.

“Will you dance with me?”

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