He is back

His family ~

•Randhir Singhania - Grandfather
•Reema Singhania - Grandmother

•Anand Singhania - Father
•Mahima Singhania - Mother

•Rudra Singhania - elder brother
MD of the Singhania entr. Age - 29
•Priya Singhania - wife of Rudra. Age - 28
Owner of his father's fashion designing company.
•Rohan - Rudra and priya's son
Age - 3 years

•Pardeep Singhania - uncle
•swarna Singhania - Aunt

•Rishi singhania - cousin brother
CEO of his father's company.
Age - 25

•Anika singhania - cousin sister
Law student.
Age - 22

•Advay Singhania - Male protagonist.
Age -28
CEO of Singhania entr.
No. 1 businessman in the country.
Devil of the business world. Feared by everyone. But fears nothing.
Cold, arrogant, rude and dead hot.
Married because of his grandparents. Because he loves his family more than anything.

•Adrisha Singhania - Female protagonist
Age - 25
Married to Advay
Cute, beautiful, hot and sassy.
Loved by everyone except her own husband.

Ramesh and Ragini Sharma (Adrisha's parents)



The new morning rises with the new chaos in the Singhania villa. But today it's more chaotic there than other usual days. Because today is the 55th anniversary of the eldest Singhania couple. Randhir and Reema's anniversary. Everyone is present at the home temple for aarti. While the youngest daughter in law of the house Adrisha is doing aarti. 

After the aarti, she disturbed Prasad to everyone. 

“Happy anniversary, dadu-dadi” she wished them happily while touching their feets. 

“Thank you beta. Khush raho” they said in unison and blessed her. 

Afterwards, everyone wished for them. They settled down on the dining table for breakfast. Adrisha was serving the tea to Randhir and Reema. 

“Everyone can serve themselves Adrisha, you can also sit and have breakfast.” Reema said to her. She sat between Rishi and Anika. Everyone was discussing the party which is held tonight for the couple. 

“Will he come today or not?” Anand asked while everyone eyes adrisha she looked down at the food. Her appetite is long gone now. She looked down at the plate and started fidgeting with the spoon. She doesn't know what to say. 

“Tau ji, Bhai said that work there is almost done. He'll come in some days.” Rishi explained to Anand to which he just nodded. 

Adrisha completed her food with a heavy heart. Why?? Because everyone is talking about her husband. That husband whom she didn't even see once after her marriage. She last saw him one month ago, at the mandap of her own wedding. After the wedding he went on a business trip that day itself. It's been one month now. He hasn't returned Nor he called once. Except for business purposes that too to Rishi or rudra. 

After breakfast, Everyone was discussing the party. When a servant came to Priya with an envelope. 

“Mam this is on your name.”she handed over the envelope to her and went away from there. 

“Bhabi, what's in the envelope?” Anika asked her. 

“These are my medical reports.” Priya said while opening the envelope. 

“oh!! What's in the report? Everything is fine right?” Rudra asked impatiently. 

“Rudra, let her open it first,” Mahima said sternly.

Priya opened the envelope and got numb while everyone looked at her suspiciously. Adrisha took the report from her hand and read it. She looked at Priya with wide eyes who looked back at her with teary eyes. Everyone looked at them, confusingly. 

“Adrisha beta, tell us also what happened?” pradeep asked. 

“Main chachi banne wali hu” she exclaimed while jumping happily. And everyone burst into smiles hearing the wonderful news. Rudra hugged his wife. Mahima gets sweets for everyone. They congratulated the couple.

“bhai, Aaj to double celebration hona chahiye hum firse par dada banne wale hain” Randhir said. 

(Today should be the double celebration, I'm going to be a great grandfather again) 

“ofcourse, dadu celebration toh hoga.” Rishi exclaimed. 

After some chit chatting, everyone went to prepare for the party as it's almost noon. 

During lunch, everyone was hella excited about the party. 

“You all forgot me na ” a teary Rohan entered the house with Rishi carrying his school bag. 

“I hate you all, you made me go to school on party day” he said while wiping his tears.while everyone looked at him in awe. 

“Oh baby!! You had a test today right. That's why we sent you to school and you know the party's at night.” Priya said, taking him on her lap. 

“But I don't want to talk to anyone.” Rohan said stubbornly. 

“oh rohan is not talking to anyone. But I made the chocolate cupcake for him. Now who will eat these cupcakes?” adrisha said looking at rohan. Rohan eyed the cupcakes and licked his lips. He ran to adrisha and hugged her legs. 

“chachi I love you,you know that right. I'll eat these cupcakes. Don't give this to anyone” he dug into the cupcakes happily while everyone looked at him with adoration. 

Priya looked at adrisha and mouthed gera thank you to which she nodded smiling happily. 

“Bhabi this is not fair, why did you make cupcakes for only rohan.” Rishi sulked like a kid. 

“because I'm her favourite. She loves me more than anyone.” Rohan said to him and showed his tongue. 

“No she loves me too” Rishi argued. Like that the lunch went by the argument of Rishi and Rohan over Adrisha. 

“ok enough I love you more rohan. Now stop crying.” Adrisha convinced the boy who started crying. Rudra glared at Rishi for making his son cry. Rishi gulped and went from there. 

“Ok, let's go and get ready for the evening. And Rudra makes sure everything is perfect.” Pardeep said, getting up from the chair. 

“I'll get ready by chachi, only” Rohan said and buried his face in Adrisha's neck as he was sitting on her lap. 

“In some days, you'll forget that you have a mother also.” Priya said with a pout. 

Everyone Chuckled at her. But it's true Rohan got most attached to Adrisha in this one month. He even sleeps with her from the past two weeks. With that everyone went to get ready for the evening.

At evening~

Everyone was present at the party. As the party is held in the garden of the Singhania villa. The guests have already arrived by now. The men are dressed in black clothes while the women are dressed in white dresses. It's the theme of the party. 

Everyone started to gather near the stage for the cake cutting. Adrisha came with the cake along with Rohan sticking to her all the time. Priya smiled looking at her son's interaction with adrisha. She always saw Adrisha as her own Little sister and that's why she adores her alot. 

Randhir and Reema are about to cut the cake. But the next thing Rohan said diverted everyone's attention towards the entrance. 

“Advay chachu aa gaye”

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